5 Things You Should Never Say In A job Interview

1. “I don’t know.”

This phrase can make you appear unprepared or uninterested. If you don’t know the answer to a question, it's better to explain how you would go about finding the answer or pivot to a related topic that highlights your skills and adaptability.

2. “What does your company do?”

Asking this question shows a lack of research and interest in the company.

3. “My previous boss was terrible.”

Speaking negatively about past employers or colleagues can make you come across as unprofessional and difficult to work with.

4. “How much time off do I get?”

Asking about time off or other perks too early in the interview can make it seem like you are more interested in the benefits than the job itself.

5. “I don’t have any weaknesses.”

Claiming you have no weaknesses comes off as disingenuous. Employers know that no one is perfect, and they’re looking for candidates who are self-aware and open to growth.